Today wasn’t a particularly rough day but it did feel draining. The realization that I leave in two days to go cover Riot Fest as both a writer and photographer is hitting me and I feel anxiety and nerves are starting to get the best of me. I need to chill and the best way I know to do that is get lost in some music so let’s check out Lee Miller Matsos’ brand new EP, ‘Metamorphosis, Pt. 1’.

This six-song EP starts off epically and there’s no other way to put it. A ghostly yet powerful piano lick kicks off “Just A Little Lift” before Lee’s vocals come in and instantly grab onto your heart. The vocals are just as bold and powerful as the piano part but have this ethereal feeling to them. “Just A Little Lift” is more of an introduction feeling song but it definitely lays out what to expect from Lee on this EP without showing all of his cards on the first track which I loved.

You finally see his cards (at least some of them) as the album moves onto “Metamorphosis”. The balance of power and tenderness that Lee has perfected instantly comes through loud and clear. This song starts off as epically as “Just A Little Lift” did but it quickly falls into something a bit more calmer yet still just as powerful. Lee’s vocals soar over cinema-ready instrumentation in a beautiful and impactful way. Although this is absolutely a powerful and upbeat song, when you start to really listen into the vocals, you realize that there’s a sense of pain with some of the words. The way Lee is able to do this in such a loud and “turn it to eleven” kind of song left me lost for words as the three and a half minute song played through.

“Who Are They To Stop Love” seems to dive into Lee’s more tender side but, still, there’s this epic balance of power and gentleness here. I instantly fell in love with the lyrics of this song. “You never lost sight of your dreams / though you couldn’t see them yet”. I mean, like so many other lyrics, these are simple words but the way Lee put them together makes them so much more than that and that line in particular hit me like a freight train. The chorus of this song has an almost Queen vibe to it. I don’t mean that as a super close comparison stylistically or anything like that but that power and drama that Lee pulls off so flawlessly reminds me of the genius that Queen brought to all of their songs.

All of these songs on this EP are truly amazing and will leave you breathless and speechless. Unfortunately, that has become an issue for me as “Forgiveness” hit my speakers. I have so much to say about this track in particular with the almost musical-inspired presentation of the song yet feel I am completely lost for words and, more importantly, lost in Lee’s world. There’s something so striking about Lee’s voice that it’s almost meditative yet so full of live and energy that listening to any of these songs would leave you feeling like you could take on the world with “Forgiveness” being no exception to that.

“Worthy” is a long tale at five and a half minutes long but, like I just said, it’s so easy to get into this song. There’s something especially calming about this one that I found to be a new element to this EP yet something that I think could have been there the whole time but I just didn’t catch onto it. The piano throughout this track is in constant motion yet it feels like time stands still as you listen through this piece of art. Again, the lyrics hit me like a freight train. “Please don’t give your soul away / You were born for something worthy”. I don’t know why but as soon as those words blared through my speakers, I had a mini-breakdown. It was as if Lee was singing to me and allowing me to take a moment to just breathe and let a little emotion escape. I’m not a super emotional person but, every once in awhile, a song will hit me just right and cause an involuntary meltdown. That’s exactly what happened when listening to “Worthy” and if Lee were here right now, I don’t think I would ever be able to find the words to thank him for that.

This EP ends up “Another Life”. Another super gorgeous showing of talent, I felt like this song worked well as a little bit of a “recovery track” after the power I got hit with in “Worthy”. Don’t get me wrong, there’s no shortage of power here but this song felt more like a “pump-up song” in the way that Lee seems to ease you back into the world after the journey that is ‘Metamorphosis, Pt. 1’.

I have a lot on my to-do list but a mini-meltdown was not on that list. Lee Miller Matsos came in with his ‘Metamorphosis, Pt. 1’ and gave me that while also giving me a burst of energy and motivation. I couldn’t thank him enough for all of those things. Lee somehow created a release that has a sound that seems completely unattainably perfect while having lyrics that hit just a bit too close to home and are a bit too poignant. Bravo Lee Miller Matsos, Bravo!

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