There are not many bands left on my “need to see live” bucket list. After last night, that list is down one more band.

Matt Pryor is a legend. The Get Up Kids are fundamental in the emo world. They were (and still are at times) the soundtrack to my life. I finally got to see them live last night and it was perfect. It was everything I needed in my life right now.

I thought it would be easy to write this blog post. I mean hell, I bought these tickets back in August when they first went on sale. It was all I could think about. Out of all of the shows I had coming up, this was the one I was looking forward to the most. I was dying to finally see this legendary band in such an intimate setting. And last night was everything I wanted it to be.

I have nothing to write about. I didn’t pay attention. It was like I was caught in a cloud of nostalgia and couldn’t see past it. I didn’t pay attention to the crowd, I didn’t wander around the packed venue. I stood there with a smile on my face and my head in the clouds.

I went to the show with Hayden, my little brother. Hayden and I don’t have much in common. We never did. I grew up at my dad’s house. He grew up at my mom’s house. Our parents are two completely different people with different outlooks on life and different lifestyles. Hayden and I are the products of how we grew up. He tends to act more like our mom, I tend to act more like my dad. We didn’t see each other all that much in our teenage years but when we did hang out, we listened to music. The Get Up Kids were a staple in our playlists.

Their songs are about everything from heartbreak to love to just wanting to drink beer for breakfast. It doesn’t matter what your mood is, these guys have a song to match it. Matt Pryor (singer) has one of the most recognizable voices in the emo rock scene. They paved the way for many other bands and are often sited as one of the most influential bands in the emo/pop-punk world. Blink-182 often refers to them when spouting off their influences. I’m not kidding when I tell you that these guys are legendary.

They fit my mood perfectly last night. It was a great night of reliving my youth with my brother at my side. The venue was packed but I didn’t notice anyone or anything. It was just me, my brother and The Get Up Kids.

The openers were great. Rozwell Kid, the first band to play, was a very up-beat pop-punk band. I had never heard them before but they definitely got my attention from the first note they played. Into It. Over It. was the second band on stage and, being one of Evan Weiss’ brain childs (Pet Symmetry & Their/They’re/There & many more bands from Chicago) they were perfect and I fell in love with them. Unfortunately, I was too distracted to really pay attention to the bands knowing what was coming on the stage next. I truly hope to see both Into It. Over It. and Rozwell Kid again soon and encourage you to check both bands out. I mean, The Get Up Kids specifically picked them for this tour. They’re amazing. I promise.

I have no words to describe last night. It was too good. It was perfect.

Line Up:

Rozwell Kid

Into It. Over It.

The Get Up Kids

Venue: Triple Rock

Sausage Fest Meter- 3 out of 10

Crowd Surfers- 0

Stage Divers- 0

Broken Bones- None

Overall Score- 9.5 out of 10

Show on Deck- Rhymesayers 20th Anniversary show at the Target Center on Friday!!