Hey everyone! I know I’ve been bombarding you today but there’s just so much amazing music that I want to share out and, with a show on the horizon for tonight, so little time to get it all out. Before I head out of the day job and transition to show mode, I wanted to share one last one with you and this one is a true gem. Please let me introduce “Broken Glass” from Jennifer Greer. Okay, one human’s name and the album artwork on this track seems super chill. I already know what you’re thinking– boring singer-songwriter. Okay, maybe you’re not but I definitely was when I reluctantly pressed play on this track. I wanted something upbeat and in your face to help me power through the last half hour of the day job and judged this song by the cover thinking that was far from what I was going to get. Man, was I wrong.

Although “Broken Glass” is definitely a bit more chill than I tend to go, it had me hooked in just seconds. This was mostly because of the upbeat vibe of this track. Stylistically, this song seems to be half in the jazz world and half in the pop world creating a super cool and catchy yet relaxing feeling. Jennifer’s vocals come through loud and clear with a slight smoky quality to them but an overall clear and concise articulation which makes the story behind this song so easy to follow. Although there’s definitely a sense of fun beauty to this song (at least that’s what I picked up on), this is actually a bit of a dark track.

Here’s what Jennifer has to say about the masterpiece:

“Broken Glass” is the main rocker on the new album! It’s an angry song, inspired by communication breakdowns and people who are manipulative. These are people who don’t really see others around them, and are basically just looking in a mirror. That’s the broken glass that I yearn to smash and break. In a way, the pieces of broken glass became the song.

I have a very strained and difficult relationship with my mother, who is a true pathological narcissist, incredibly manipulative, selfish, and a rather horrible mother. Over the period that I wrote the song, my mother was driving me particularly crazy, as was a (former) friend who was also being petty, manipulative, and horrible. The lines “You speak with one hand/ a bomb in the other, you love with one hand/ dynamite in the other. All I have to do is touch the fuse.” sums up a lot of the painful dynamic.”

Whether you feel the dark angst of this song or, like me, feel the urge to get up and dance to this super fun track, you will surely enjoy “Broken Glass” from Jennifer Greer.

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