stop.drop.rewind mentioned that they had so much fun writing and recording “Dinosaur Bones” and I feel like that comes through went listen to this amazing single. With a blend of too many early 2000s pop-punk bands to list, this song has a very nostalgic feeling to it but also something super original.

My favorite part of this track is the keys that can be heard, albeit faintly, throughout the track. That one part is a good way of explaining how creative stop.drop.rewind is. They combine elements of jazz, prog-rock, math rock and turn it into something a bit more accessible than all of those genres on their own with an infectious twist. Like they said in their pitch to me, “stop.drop.rewind is what happens when emo kids grow up and get jazz degrees”. That statement both made me spit coffee all over my computer and realize that I could not describe this single any better than that.

This is a truly unique song and, when it was done and I was left in silence, I felt the urge to dig into their other material hoping that the rest is like this because, really, this is just one of those damn good songs.

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